Your roof, balcony, or tile deck has a critical waterproofing component that keeps your home dry and protects the integrity of framing and other structural elements you rely on to live in a safe and healthy space.
Did you know if your home is 8 years or older and has an elevated deck that is from original construction, it has an 80% likelihood of experiencing some sort of failure?
Three Keys to Avoid Buying a Home with Damaged Decks
There are three major keys to obtaining the correct disclosure on a potential property with roof, balcony or tile decks BEFORE you buy:
- Only use a LICENSED deck inspector and ask for references. A good practice is to call your local building department and ask them who is a reputable company. Local building officials will often inspect projects requiring permits related to deck failure and will validate who may be the right inspector for you, based off of their inspection process and observations in the field.
- Don’t rely on your home inspector or termite inspector. It is best not to leave it up to them to disclose correct information related to these waterproof deck coating assemblies. Although these inspectors may be qualified in their venue, they are not experts with deck waterproofing assemblies and most will refer an expert deck inspector for further information related to an observation they may have identified.
- Insist that a licensed deck inspector provides full inspection before escrow closes. If you have a qualified real estate agent representing you on a property with a roof, balcony or tile deck, insist that a licensed deck inspector inspect the deck and provides complete disclosure prior to closing any escrow.
Let DeckTech, Inc. Provide You With Peace of Mind
If you follow these three simple keys you will drastically minimize potential of inheriting a home with deck failure, rot, and mold conditions that are often hidden in areas beneath deck or behind stucco and not visible. A licensed qualified deck inspector from DeckTech, Inc. can help identify these areas upfront and alert you of the potential issues before you commit to an investment that may be laden with problems.
Call DeckTech, Inc. at (805) 250-4498 or email them today for your FREE DECK INSPECTION before you purchase your home.
Related Posts:
- Do I Need To Disclose A Leaky Deck When Selling A Home?
- "Should I Reseal My Roof Deck Myself?"
- Roof Deck Questions to Ask When Buying a Home
- 3 Construction Mistakes That Can Cause a Leaky Balcony